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Family of Nezhin
Family of Nezhin
Family of Bialystok
Family of Vilkomir
Family of Jablonka
Family of Glukhov
here to learn about the many who came through London and stopped
at The Poor Jews Shelter. |

here to learn about immigration through the port of Hamburg. |
Here for the Ellis Island Site. Now you can actually find and
view your ancestors records upon their entering America through Ellis
Island between 1892 and 1924. See actual manifests, ships photos,
An amazing site. You must register (free) to view records. |
Here to view the Chaiken Arrivals At The Port Of New York 1893-1924 |
Our ancestors
came to America during the peak immigration years between 1880
and 1924.
Despite the emotional pain of leaving family friends and home,
these travelers hoped that their life in America would somehow
be better.
They walked, used horsedrawn carriages and traveled by trains
to reach the harbors where the steamships departed for America.
Before boarding their ships steerage class passengers had to
take an antiseptic bath, have their baggage fumigated and be
examined by steamship company doctors.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s the cost of steerage class
passage was approximately $25.00 for each passenger.
Second cabin passage was $50.00 for an adult and $25.00 for
a child. Second cabin passage meant private staterooms and exemption
from the intense scrutiny upon arriving in New York.
Where They Lived
Most of our Chazanov ancestors settled in Philadelphia in the
South Philadelphia section.
In many ways life was quite different from the villages in Russia,
but in many ways quite the same. It was a clustered life, divided
into sections by nationality.
The women worked hard right alongside the men and in many cases,
the women did all the work while the men congregated at the
The living conditions were crowded and not always clean. Families
of five and six lived in one or two rooms.
My great grandmother and grandmother both had stalls on 4th
street where they sold yarn goods and buttons. These stalls
developed into viable retail businesses.
This page is in memory of Mire
Chaiken Chazanoff and Manya Chazanoff Sovel, my great grandmother
and grandmother. Without their hardwork and dilligence our family
would not be where it is today. |
#1...The Train
station in Bremen, Germany where many of our ancestors departed from. |
and Bernard Chazanoff immigrated on the S.S. Potsdam in 1907. The
547' ship held 280 first class passengers, 210 2nd cabin class passengers
and 1800 steerage passengers. |
Philadelphia...1910 |
(pushcarts) on 4th Street in Philadelphia |
mens furnishing store that Manya Chazanoff and her husband Solomon
Sovel owned in the 1920s and 1930s....Today a restaurant. |