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All Chaiken
Family of Nezhin
Family of Nezhin
Family of Bialystok
Family of Vilkomir
Family of Jablonka
Family of Glukhov
One Hundred Years Ago...1910 |
Fanya Zavelsky, daughter of Mendel Zavelsky |
Ruth Berdikoff, wif of Nathan Louis Franklin |
Mania Baran, wife of Alex Ephrat |
Solomon Franklin, son of Louis Franklin |
Mala Zavelsky, daughter of Meir and Frieda Zavelsky |
Zalmon David Franklin, son of Samuel and Minnie Franklin |
Engagements and Marriages |
Twin boys, Davin Zachary and Ethan Alexander, were born to Svetlana (Zavelsakya) and Igor Murkis in March of 2011. The twins and their older brother, Benjamin, are the grandchildren of Irina and the late Mark Zavelsky. |
A son, Joshua, was born to Michael and Christie (Osborne) Heller on June 26, 2012 in Denver.....The baby is the grandson of Dr. Arthur and Terry (Sovel) Heller, great grandson of the late Harry and Vera Sovel, 2nd great grandson of the late Manya (Chazanoff) and Solomon Sovel/Zavelsky and 3rd great grandson of the late Aron Moishe Zavelsky. Christie is the daughter of Nancy and Sam Osborne. |
Jack Franklin, born Feb. 6, 1928, passed away Sept 27, 2010. Jack was the son of Louis and Edith Franklin. |
Lillian Franklin Barney, born 1924 to the late Ida and Isadore Franklin, died in 2011. Lillian was married to Charles Barney and had two sons, Zalmond and David. |
Steph (Heller) and Adam Ostrow, along with their dog Sequia, have completed there adventure to different areas of the country in their RV. They began their trip in the summer of 2010 and ended in the spring of 2011. They are now residing in Maryland.