Mire, Louis and Hillel
were all born in Nezhin.
The town of Nezhin is located in the Chernigov province of
Ukraine. Jews first settled in Nezhin, after the partition
of Poland, at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
The town became a center for the Habad Hasidim of Ukraine.
In 1847, 1,299 Jews were registered in the community. In 1897
there were 7,361 Jews (24% of the total population.)
The wave of pogroms that overtook Russian Jewry in 1881 and
1905 severely affected the Jews of Nezhin. Also, in the spring
of 1918, pogroms were carried out in the district by the Red
Army during its retreat from the Germans. During the German
occupation of WWII, all Jews except those who succeeded in
escaping from the town were exterminated.
In 1959 there were 1400 Jews in Nezhin (3% of the town's population.)
Today, the current population of Nezhin is 80,000. The Jewish
population is almost 300 families.
When Miriam Weiner visited Nezhin on our behalf in October
of 1993, her guide to the Jewish sites was a representative
from the local Jewish community, Mikhail Vladimirovich Kenyon,
born in Nezhin in 1920. Mikhail told Miriam there were four
or five synagogues before the Holocaust, but only one remained
after 1941. It is now a private residence. (see photo #2)
Our 1995 Visit to Nezhin
"During our 1995 visit to Nezhin, I found it
thrilling to walk down the same streets that I knew my grandparents
and great grandparents had walked. Our welcome in Nezhin was
very hospitable by both the Mayor and the head archivist at
the Nezhin Archives. We found it interesting that the mayor
was very anxious to promote tourism in his town.
The highlight of our visit to Nezhin, was meeting cousins
on the Zavelsky side of my family. These charming and endearing
people made us a lunch from all food grown at their dacha.
Their desperate financial situation due to the lack of available
work made us realize as we did so often throughout the trip,
how fortunate we were our grandparents immigrated to America.
Knowing we have cousins living as some of ours do in Ukraine
has changed us in many ways. When you know people have to
make a decision whether to buy a postage stamp to mail you
a letter, or to buy a loaf of bread, one cannot do anything
but want to help them."