Vilna has a special
place in Jewish history. It was called the Jerusalem of Lithuania.
The city was founded around 1320 as a fortress. In 1387, it
was granted city rights of self-rule. The Lithuanian name
for the city is Vilnius.
According to tradition, a synagogue was built in Vilna around
1573. The townsmen feared the competition from the Jews in
trade and crafts, and in 1592 attacked the synagogue, stores
and apartments of the Jews on the street that was already
know as "The Street of the Jews." The attack helped
the Jews convince the King to give them official authorization
to live in Vilna. A year later, the Jews received written
rights of residence to live in houses of the noblemen, pray
according to their religious traditions and to engage in trade.
Some time after that they received a permit to establish public
institutions needed by the community, such as a cemetery,
bathhouse and slaughterhouse.
In 1634 and 1635 the townsmen opposed the orders and organized
attacks on the Jews. An investigating committee appointed
by the King told the town to protect the Jews.
In a 1645 census counts showed that their were 262 Jewish
families with 3000 individuals. The Christian population was
close to 12,000. A census taken in 1765 showed the Jewish
population of Vilna and its suburbs as 3887. The 1800 Census
gave the Jewish population at 6971. By 1832 the Jewish population
was 20706.
Vilna served as a center for trade and industry. Products
were shipped throughout Russia and exported to Germany. Most
of the Jewish residents worked in crafts and industry. They
dominated the markets in Gloves and ready wear merchandise.
Throughout the nineteenth century, Vilna played a central
role in the cultural life of the Jews of Eastern Europe, as
well as being a center of Torah studies.
The capture of Vilna by Germany on Yom Kippur of 1916 sparked
the beginning of a period of shortages, hunger, unemployment
and forced labor. At the end of 1918, the Germans left. The
local Poles took charge, but in a few days the Red Army entered
the city. On April 19, 1919, the Polish Legionnaires entered
Vilna. Their entry was accompanied by pogroms. Under Polish
rule, Vilna was cut off from Independent Lithuania. Due to
the economic situation, there was a continual flow of emigration
to Eretz Yisrael and other lands.
When W.W.II broke out, Soviet Russia captured large sections
of Poland. Russia turned over Vilna to Lithuania in October
1939. In June 1940, Lithuania was annexed by the USSR. Community
leaders and writers of all parties were banished to Russia
and exiled into the Soviet interior. Many were then interned
in camps.