Jablonka is a sleepy
little village located in the Lomza Gubernia within the Bialystok
Province in Poland.
Golombek ancestors first settled in Jablonka in the very early
1800s. As Zambrow grew, some migrated the twelve miles away
to live in the town. It is known Jews lived in Jablonka from
at least 1575.
Arriving in Jablonka was like stepping back in time to the
days of our ancestors. The village sits amid beautiful farmlands
and is twelve miles from the town of Zambrow, which today
is a thriving well-populated town. There are no paved roads
and most of the houses are wood, as was the usual means of
construction in the 1800s. We felt very out of place driving
into the town in our very modern rental car. In fact, not
only was our car out of place, but we were also.
The only people we saw were the two milk deliverers who where
sitting atop a horse drawn wagon with milk cans on it. They
did not seem pleased to see us.
In the early days there was a Jewish cemetery in Jablonka.
Today the town firehouse is on the site. My husband’s
grandfather, Morris was born and grew up in Jablonka along
with his siblings. His father Ziskind was born and died in
From the Wysokie Mazowieckie Yiskor Book…
“In late August 1941, a few days before Rosh Hashanah,
the ghetto in Wysokie Mazowieckie, a neighboring town was
created. Non-Jews living in the ghetto area were forced out
and were given the homes formerly occupied by the Jews. Polish
police guarded the ghetto entrance. A Jewish police force
inside the ghetto was created by order of the Germans. Hundreds
of displaced Jews from neighboring towns, including Jablonka
were brought to the ghetto. The ghetto included about 2000
people in the three streets it was created from.
The Judenrat was compelled to provide 250 workers a day for
road building and wood harvesting in the forests. Craftsmen—shoemakers,
tailors, carpenters and tinsmiths—worked in the countryside
and received food in return for their labors. Ghetto residents
bartered with residents of the “Aryan side.” In
return for food, Jews sold off their remaining possessions
and personal effects. They didn’t always get a fair
trade. In November of 1942, the Jews from the ghetto were
sent to the Zambrow ghetto and then to Auschwitz in January
1943. ”
From the Yiskor book we have learned that the following Golombeks
from Jablonka perished in the Holocaust: Meir Dawid, Heina
Doba, Sara, The Children, Chaim Reuven, Pessach Mordechai,
Nachman and Chaia.