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Family of Nezhin
Family of Nezhin
Family of Bialystok
Family of Vilkomir
Family of Jablonka
Family of Glukhov
will never forget the first day I found an actual document confirming
that we were Zavelskys before we were Sovels. I came to understand
that my grandfather had wanted to shorten his name from Zavelsky to
Zavel, but when he immigrated to America the name Zavel came out as
Sovel." |
knew I had found my family when Julia Ballo wrote us that her mother
Leah Zavelskaya had said, her father's brother Zalman had gone to
America, and that they were always waiting to hear from him. It took
90 years, but the Zavelsky family was reunited" |

here to read Miriam Weiner's article on how she discovered my
Zavelsky 2nd cousins living in Russia and Ukraine. |
"Researching the Zavelsky
family is an exciting and rewarding project which will continue
for a lifetime"
This family history project was compiled through
a combination of sources and methods. Wherever possible, the
data used has been documented and verified. I have retained
copies of the original records of the following: Birth certificates/registers,
Death certificates, Marriage Applications/Registers, Notary
Documents, Wills, Petitions for Naturalizations, Ship Manifest,
Social Security Applications,Ukrainian archival documents,
The recollections from family members provided me with the
most accurate and interesting facts. I made a concentrated
effort to speak with members of the family who could recall
the early days in Philadelphia and Milwaukee, and to video
tape and correspond with present day Russian and Ukrainian
family members. I have many hours of video tape which were
made by Vitaly Chumak, Miriam Weiner's assistant in Russia
and Ukraine.
The majority of the research in Philadelphia was conducted
by Elaine Kolinsky. The documents she found in the Philadelphia
archives and the time that Elaine spent at Montefiore Cemetery
finding the graves and Hebrew names of our relatives, and
her translations of the tombstone inscriptions, enabled me
to discover who our family members were. The hours she spent
at places such as the Balch Institute, The Immigration and
Naturalization Service, The Logan Library, The City Archives
and so on were invaluable.
I was very fortunate to be introduced to Miriam
Weiner, C.G. Miriam is the first Jewish genealogist certified
by the Board for Certification of Genealogists. She is an
acclaimed lecturer throughout the United States and is coeditor
of The Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy. Every three months
Miriam returns to former areas of the U.S.S.R. and Poland
where she has access to the Archives, and special permission
to conduct research.
During October of 1993, February of 1994, May of 1994 and
July of 1994, Miriam included our family towns of Glukhov,
Nezhin, Romny, Kiev, Lvov, Priluki and Kharkov into her itinerary
and did archival research, ancestral town visits and personal
interviews. When after her first trip to Ukraine for us, Miriam
presented her findings, both Alan and I were dumbfounded with
what she had discovered and accomplished.
Throughout her several trips for us to Ukraine, she has brought
back hundreds of documents for the Zavelsky family. It is
amazing that today I can sit in our home and have a copy of
my great grandparents' Marriage Register from the 1870's.
Not only did Miriam find documents, but she also found information
on brothers of my grandfather whom we had never heard a mention.
Her thorough investigative skills and follow-through, led
to the discovery of a Zavelsky second cousin of mine who lives
in St. Petersburg, Russia, and several second and third cousins
living in Ukraine. She pursued this project until she personally
spoke with Julia Ballo, daughter of Leah Zavelskaya, on the
telephone in St. Petersburg, and met and interviewed many
of our relatives in Ukraine.
With the help and direction of Miriam and Elaine, I had sent
out over 1000 various requests and letters for additional
information. I tried to obtain any written record that was
available on the chance that it would provide a new name or
town. To document family arrivals in America, I spent countless
hours in the New York Public Library going through ships indexes,
and manifests. I have used a computerized telephone directory
to contact persons with the same family surnames as ours.
The videos and photographs that Miriam and her assistant Vitaly
took and brought to us from Russia and Ukraine were wonderful.
They bring to life a part of the past that we would otherwise
not have known.
The results of Miriam's research is used throughout this web
site. Without her work, there would not be a web site or the
book that we previously published.
#1...The joys
of genealogy...Our twin granddaughters with my twin second cousins
who were born and lived in Ukraine until a few years ago. Raphael
and Ilya Zavelsky and their families now live in New York. |
1995, Marjorie & Alan meeting thirteen Zavelsky cousins for the
first time. |
#3...Kiev 1995,
Marjorie & Alan meeting four Zavelsky cousins for the first time. |
#4...Nezhin 1995,
Marjorie & Alan meeting four Zavelsky cousins for the first time. |
#5...Lvov 1995,
meeting five Zavelsky cousins. |
with the vice-mayor in Glukhov at the war memorial. The vice-mayor
is translating the Jewish names on the monument. |
with the vice-mayor at the old Jewish cemetery in Glukhov looking
for Zavelsky names on the tombstones. |