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Family of Nezhin
Family of Nezhin
Family of Bialystok
Family of Vilkomir
Family of Jablonka
Family of Glukhov
To be able to find a sequence of records such as
these is a very gratifying experience for anyone doing their genealogy.
These records gave us the knowledge of what was before only a rumor,
that my grandmother had made a return trip to Odessa. |
"We have hundreds
of documents in our files. Below is a sampling of a few."
& Nezhin Oblast Archives, 1877, Marriage Register:
Israel Berko 19, son of Moise Chazanov and Miriam 18,
daughter of Avram Chaiken. |
These documents are in a sequence to show how I
put together the story of my grandmother, Manya Chazanoff Zavelsky.
(Click on the links to see each document.)
1. Her parents Marriage Register from Nezhin (pictured left)
2. Her Birth Record
from Nezhin
3. Her Marriage Register
from Odessa
4. Her son's Birth
Record from Odessa
5. Her Manifest
for Immigration
6. Her Return
Ticket Purchase Record to Odessa
7. Her Manifest
for reentry to America |