Ilya was the oldest son. He was born in Glukhov and married
Lyuba Krasovitzky in 1878. They had eight children. Abram
b.1879, Etta b.1880, Liya b.1883, Leyb b.1884, Israel Noach
b.1887, Semyon b.1890, Fanya b.1894, Chaya b.1897.
Ilya built up the candy manufacturing business in Glukhov.
After his death in 1917 many members of his family left Glukhov
and settled in Kharkov.
Israel Zavelsky
Israel was born circa 1863 in Glukhov. He married and had
four known children: Faina, Nusa, another daughter and Semyon
who died in Kiev in 1974.
Mendel Zavelsky
Mendel was a "high quality" merchant in Glukhov
and was an owner of the candy factory. He also owned a big
house, a good deal of property and even had a maid in the
house.. Mendel and Sara had 16 children,13 boys and 3 girls.
By the time they moved to Kharkov, 1917-18, after the revolution,
only six children were alive: Ilya, Semyon, Yakov, Samuel,
Leah and Fanya.
Mendel was known to be a very kind and generous person who
tried to help everyone. The Zavelsky family had been wealthy
in Glukhov, but after the revolution all was lost.
Mendel died in 1924 in Kharkov after a long illness. During
W.W.II, when the family was evacuated to the Urals, Sara refused
to go and was killed in Kharkov.
Zalmon Zavelsky
Zalmon Zavelsky, known in America as Solomon Sovel, my grandfather
was the youngest child of Aron and Charna Zavelsky. He was
born in Glukhov in 1871.
He married Manya (Machla Feiga) Chazanov in Odessa in 1901.
Manya was born in Nezhin and moved with her family to Odessa
when she was a child. This was most likely an arranged marriage.
Their first two children Wolf (lewis) and Lazer were born
in Odessa. In 1904 the family immigrated to America and settled
in Philadelphia where Manya's brother was living.
Click here
to see the story of their immigration and Manya's return to
Odessa. Use your browser's back button to return here.
Solomon and Manya had two more children in America, Freda
and Harry. The family was raised in Philadelphia. Solomon
sold insurance for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and
also assisted his wife in her mens furnishing store.
Solomon was a quiet and very gentle man who like many in the
Zavelsky family was led by a strong wife. He died in 1943
at the home of his son Lewis.
Click here to view Sovel Ffamily Cemetery Plot. |